There are no winners in the poverty challenge-just ordinary people who are willing to step into another pair of shoes for a short and uncomfortable walk. Those people help deepen our understanding of how poverty impacts our neighbours. It is a small action, but in the end, small consistent actions are the only actions that truly change the world

Friday, February 8, 2019

Getting Ready

While our participants are preparing mentally for the launch of this year's poverty challenge, we were scurrying around trying to get the blog ready for action.  My challenge has always been technology which is why I am concerned about the trend towards online access to public services (I know that there are more like me out there).  A colleague's son reined me in, fixed my mistakes and provided patient advice on going forward.  It reminded me that poverty is about more than money.  When we lack supportive relationships, we are impaired in our ability to meet challenges.  The teachings are coming in even before we start!

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